At Farm Hoshino, you can make soap using whey, a byproduct of dairy production. Whey is known for its moisturizing properties, making it gentle on the skin and leaving a refreshing after-feel. Add your favorite scent and color to create your own unique soap.
At Farm Hoshino, you can make soap using whey, a byproduct of dairy production. Whey is known for its moisturizing properties, making it gentle on the skin and leaving a refreshing after-feel. Add your favorite scent and color to create your own unique soap.
- 営業期間
- Operating Period
- 期間
- 期間
- Period
(期間中の毎週 水曜日・金曜日・日曜日 開催) -
December 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025
(Every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday during the period) -
(期間中的每週三、週五、週日舉行) -
(期間中的每週三、週五、週日舉行) -
1 Dec, 2024 - 31 Mar, 2025
(Every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday during the period) - 時間
- 9:00~16:00
- Time
- 9:00~16:00
- 時間
- 9:00~16:00
- 時間
- 9:00~16:00
- Time
- 9:00~16:00
- 所要時間
- 30分程度
(作成内容によっては所要時間が前後する場合がございます) - Duration
- Approximately 30 minutes (The duration may vary depending on the content of the soap-making process)
- 所要時間
- 大約30分鐘(根據製作內容,所需時間可能會有所不同
- 所要時間
- 大約30分鐘(根據製作內容,所需時間可能會有所不同
- Duration
- Approximately 30 minutes (The duration may vary depending on the content of the soap-making process)
- 集合場所
- GAOアウトドアセンター
- Meeting Area
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 集合地方
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 集合地方
- GAO Outdoor Center
- Meeting Area
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 開催地
- GAOアウトドアセンター
- Location
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 活動地點
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 活動地點
- GAO Outdoor Center
- Location
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 料金
- 1つ 1,000円
- Price
- Price: 1,000 yen per soap
- 價格
- 價格: 每個肥皂 1,000 日圓
- 價格
- 價格: 每個肥皂 1,000 日圓
- Price
- Price: 1,000 yen per soap
- 対象
- 全年齢
*お子様だけでの参加はできません。保護者の方の参加、もしくは同伴が必要です。 - Eligible Participants
- Age Range: All ages
* Children below school age or in lower grades need parental support.
* Children cannot participate alone. A guardian's participation or accompaniment is required. - 対象
- 年齡限制: 全年齡
*兒童無法單獨參加,必須有監護人參加或陪同。 - 対象
- 年齡限制: 全年齡
*兒童無法單獨參加,必須有監護人參加或陪同。 - Eligible Participants
- Age Range: All ages
* Children below school age or in lower grades need parental support.
* Children cannot participate alone. A guardian's participation or accompaniment is required. - 催行会社
- 星野リゾート トマム
0167(57)2587 (受付時間:10:00~16:00) - 備考
- *汚れても良い動きやすい服装でお越しください。
*一部の作業に電子レンジを使用した加熱工程が含まれます。火傷には十分にご注意ください。 - Important Note(s)
- * Please wear comfortable clothing that can get dirty.
* Some processes involve heating using a microwave, so please be careful to avoid burns. - 備註
- *請穿著舒適且不怕弄髒的衣物。
*部分製作過程中需要使用微波爐加熱,請小心避免燙傷。 - 備註
- *請穿著舒適且不怕弄髒的衣物。
*部分製作過程中需要使用微波爐加熱,請小心避免燙傷。 - Important Note(s)
- * Please wear comfortable clothing that can get dirty.
* Some processes involve heating using a microwave, so please be careful to avoid burns.