- 場所
- ホタルストリート
- Place
- hotalu street
- 場所
- hotalu street
- 场所
- hotalu street
- 장소
- hotalu street
- Dates
- Open Period
- 營業Dates
- 营业期间
- 영업기간
- 【ランチ】
2024年4月26日~2024年11月1日 26 Apr 2024 to 1 Nov 2024 2024年4月26日~2024年11月1日 2024年4月26日~2024年11月1日 2024년4월26일~2024년11월1일
営業時間11:00~22:00(LO21:30)- ※営業時間が変更になる場合がございます。詳細は当日コンシェルジュサイトをご覧ください。
- ※最終日は17:00に閉店いたします。
*Please note that the opening hours may be subject to change. For detailed information, kindly check the Tomamu Concierge website on the day of your visit.
*Closes at 5:00 pm on the last day. 11:00~22:00(最後點單時間21:30)
※營業時間可能會有所變動,請於Tomamu Concierge(禮賓接待網頁)確認。
※本季最後營業日的營業時間至17點。 11:00~22:00(截止点餐时间21:30)
※营业时间也可能因特殊情况而有所变动,详情请在Tomamu Concierge(贵宾接待网页)中确认。
※本季营业结束之日将于17点关闭。 11:00 am - 10:00 pm (Last order is at 9:30 pm)
*Please note that the opening hours may be subject to change. For detailed information, kindly check the Tomamu Concierge website on the day of your visit.
*Closes at 5:00 pm on the last day. - Fee
平均ご利用金額 【ランチ】2,500円程度、【ディナー】3,500円程度
- Price
Average Prices
– Lunch: 2,500 yen
– Dinner: 3,500 yen
- 餐費
平均消費:午餐JPY2,500 / 晚餐JPY3,500
- 餐費
平均消费:午餐JPY2,500 / 晚餐JPY3,500
- 요금
평균 이용금액: 런치 2,500엔 / 디너 3,500엔
- 基本メニュー
- Menu
- 菜單
- 菜单
- 메뉴
- 席数
- 35席
- No. of seats
- 35
- 座位數
- 35
- 席位数
- 35
- 정원
- 35
- お支払い
- Payment
- 支付方法
- 支付方法
- Payment
- 朝食券 Breakfast Coupon 早餐券 早餐券 Breakfast Coupon
- 昼食券 Lunch Coupon 午餐券 午餐券 Lunch Coupon
- 夕食券 Dinner Coupon 晩餐券 晩餐券 Dinner Coupon
- 現金 Cash 現金 现金 Cash
- 部屋付け Charge to room 掛房帳 掛房帳 Charge to room
- 館内利用券 Gift Coupon Gift Coupon Gift Coupon Gift Coupon
- クレジットカード Credit Card 信用卡 信用卡 Credit Card
- WeChat Pay WeChat Pay WeChat Pay WeChat Pay WeChat Pay
- Alipay Alipay Alipay Alipay Alipay
- paypay
- au PAY au PAY au PAY au PAY au PAY
- メルペイ merpay merpay merpay merpay
- 予約
- Reservation
- 預約活動
- 预订
- 인터넷 예약
[Dinner]We do not take reservations
[晚餐]We do not take reservations
[晚餐]We do not take reservations
[디너]We do not take reservations
[Lunch]We do not take reservations
[午餐]We do not take reservations
[午餐]We do not take reservations
[런치]We do not take reservations
- 備考
- Important Note(s)
*Business content is subject to change according to factors like maintenance. The latest content will be introduced on the spot at TOMAMU.
*Take-out Available
- 備註
- 备注
- 비고
* Business content is subject to change according to factors like maintenance. The latest content will be introduced on the spot at TOMAMU.
※테이크 아웃 가능

SOUP CURRYGARAKU 〜Tomamu’s forest〜
SOUP CURRYGARAKU 〜Tomamu’s forest〜
SOUP CURRYGARAKU 〜Tomamu’s forest〜
SOUP CURRYGARAKU 〜Tomamu’s forest〜
The Green Season closed on November 1st, 2024.
Soup curry making ample use of Hokkaido’s ingredients to give it an “umami” flavor.
홋카이도의 식재료를 아낌없이 사용하여 감칠맛이 듬뿍 배어나온 수프 카레