- 場所
- フォーレスタ・モール
- Place
- Foresta Mall
- 場所
- Foresta Mall
- 场所
- Foresta Mall
- 장소
- Foresta Mall
- Dates
- Open Period
- 營業Dates
- 营业期间
- 영업기간
- 【ランチ】
2024年4月26日~2024年11月1日 26 Apr 2024 to 1 Nov 2024 2024年4月26日~2024年11月1日 2024年4月26日~2024年11月1日 2024년4월26일~2024년11월1일
11:00~22:00(L.O.21:30)- ※営業時間が変更になる場合がございます。詳細は当日コンシェルジュサイトをご覧ください。
- ※最終日は17:00に閉店いたします。
*Please note that the opening hours may be subject to change. For detailed information, kindly check the Tomamu Concierge website on the day of your visit.
*Closes at 5:00 pm on the last day. 11:00~22:00(L.O.21:30)
※營業時間可能會有所變動,請於Tomamu Concierge(禮賓接待網頁)確認。
※本季最後營業日的營業時間至17點。 11:00~22:00(截止点餐时间21:30)
※营业时间也可能因特殊情况而有所变动,详情请在Tomamu Concierge(贵宾接待网页)中确认。
※本季营业结束之日将于17点关闭。 11:00 am - 10:00 pm (Last order is at 9:30 pm)
*Please note that the opening hours may be subject to change. For detailed information, kindly check the Tomamu Concierge website on the day of your visit.
*Closes at 5:00 pm on the last day. - Fee
- Price
Average Prices
– Lunch: 1,900 yen
– Dinner: 3,900 yen
- 餐費
平均消費 [午餐] ¥1,900 [晚餐] ¥3,900
- 餐費
平均消费 [午餐] JPY1,900 [晚餐] JPY3,900
- 요금
평균 이용금액 [런치] 1,900엔 [디너] 3,900엔
- 基本メニュー
- Menu
- 菜單
- 菜单
- 메뉴
- 席数
- 80席
- No. of seats
- 80
- 座位數
- 80
- 席位数
- 80
- 정원
- 80
- お支払い
- Payment
- 支付方法
- 支付方法
- Payment
- 朝食券 Breakfast Coupon 早餐券 早餐券 Breakfast Coupon
- 昼食券 Lunch Coupon 午餐券 午餐券 Lunch Coupon
- 夕食券 Dinner Coupon 晩餐券 晩餐券 Dinner Coupon
- 現金 Cash 現金 现金 Cash
- 部屋付け Charge to room 掛房帳 掛房帳 Charge to room
- 館内利用券 Gift Coupon Gift Coupon Gift Coupon Gift Coupon
- クレジットカード Credit Card 信用卡 信用卡 Credit Card
- WeChat Pay WeChat Pay WeChat Pay WeChat Pay WeChat Pay
- Alipay Alipay Alipay Alipay Alipay
- paypay
- au PAY au PAY au PAY au PAY au PAY
- メルペイ merpay merpay merpay merpay
- 予約
- Reservation
- 預約活動
- 预订
- 인터넷 예약
[Dinner]We do not take reservations
[晚餐]We do not take reservations
[晚餐]We do not take reservations
[디너]We do not take reservations
[Lunch]We do not take reservations
[午餐]We do not take reservations
[午餐]We do not take reservations
[런치]We do not take reservations
- 備考
- Important Note(s)
*Opening schedule is subject to change due to maintenance or the whole facility being rented. The latest information will be provided on-site.
- 備註
※營業狀況可能會因設備維護及包場而有所變動。 最新資訊請依現場為主。
- 备注
- 비고
※시설 보수나 단체 대관 등으로 인해 영업 내용이 변경될 경우가 있습니다. 최신 정보는 토마무 현지에서 안내해드립니다.

Hokkaido Jingisukan KING
Hokkaido Jingisukan KING
Hokkaido Jingisukan KING
Hokkaido Jingisukan KING
홋카이도 징기스칸 킹
The Green Season closed on November 1st, 2024.
A restaurant serving Hokkaido’s representative local cuisine, Jingisukan.
홋카이도의 대표적인 향토요리인 징기스칸을 맛볼 수 있는 레스토랑