Lunch time together in the winter forest!
In a secret cabin, try your hand at cooking on a wood-burning stove using the camping cookware known as a "Dutch Oven."
Enjoy grilled dishes with vegetables and bacon, tapas, and crispy bread. (This is a special tour limited to one group only.) One drink of beer or juice per person is included.
Lunch time together in the winter forest!
In a secret cabin, try your hand at cooking on a wood-burning stove using the camping cookware known as a "Dutch Oven."
Enjoy grilled dishes with vegetables and bacon, tapas, and crispy bread. (This is a special tour limited to one group only.) One drink of beer or juice per person is included.
- 営業期間
- Operating Period
- 期間
- 期間
- Period
- 2024年12月21日~2025年3月31日
- December 21, 2024 - March 31, 2025
- 2024年12月21日~2025年3月31日
- 2024年12月21日~2025年3月31日
- 21 Dec, 2024 - 31 Mar, 2025
- 時間
- 10:30~12:30
※開始時間の10分前に集合 - Time
- 10:30~12:30
* Meet at 10 minutes prior to the start time. - 時間
- 10:30~12:30
※請於活動開始10分鐘前集合 - 時間
- 10:30~12:30
※請於活動開始10分鐘前集合 - Time
- 10:30~12:30
* Meet at 10 minutes prior to the start time. - 所要時間
- 2時間(体験時間1時間30分)
- Duration
- 2 hours
(Experience time: 1 hours 30 minutes) - 所要時間
- 2小時
(體驗時間小1時30分鐘) - 所要時間
- 2小時
(體驗時間小1時30分鐘) - Duration
- 2 hours
(Experience time: 1 hours 30 minutes) - 集合場所
- GAO アウトドアセンター
- Meeting Area
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 集合地方
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 集合地方
- GAO Outdoor Center
- Meeting Area
- GAO Outdoor Center
- 開催地
- トマムリゾート内
- Location
- Within Hoshino Resorts TOMAMU
- 活動地點
- 於星野TOMAMU度假村內
- 活動地點
- 於星野TOMAMU度假村內
- Location
- Within Hoshino Resorts TOMAMU
- 料金
- 1組 40,500円
- Price
- 1 group 40,500 yen
- 價格
- 一組 40,500日圓
- 價格
- 一組 40,500日圓
- Price
- 1 group 40,500 yen
- 対象
- 3歳以上
※お子様だけでの参加はできません。 - Eligible Participants
- Ages 3 and above.
Children must be accompanied by an adult in order to participate. - 対象
- 3歳以上
孩童無法單獨參加本體驗活動 - 対象
- 3歳以上
孩童無法單獨參加本體驗活動 - Eligible Participants
- Ages 3 and above.
Children must be accompanied by an adult in order to participate. - 催行人数
- 1組4名様まで(最少催行人数2名)
※人数追加1名のみ可能 9,500円
※追加1名に限りガイドの運転するスノーモービルに同乗可能です。 - Number of Participants
- Up to 4 people per group (a minimum of 2 people are required for the tour to push through).
* Children below 3 years of age can come with older guests. They will be free of charge.
* This tour can take on only one additional person. The charge is 9,500 yen.
* The Sled Cabin can accommodate 4 people.
* The snowmobile driven by the guide can only take on one additional person. - 上限人數
- 1組最多4名(最低成團人數為2名)
※追加1人可搭乘由引導員駕駛的雪上摩托車。 - 上限人數
- 1組最多4名(最低成團人數為2名)
※追加1人可搭乘由引導員駕駛的雪上摩托車。 - Number of Participants
- Up to 4 people per group (a minimum of 2 people are required for the tour to push through).
* Children below 3 years of age can come with older guests. They will be free of charge.
* This tour can take on only one additional person. The charge is 9,500 yen.
* The Sled Cabin can accommodate 4 people.
* The snowmobile driven by the guide can only take on one additional person. - 催行会社
- リトルトリー
- Operating Company
- Little Tree
- 舉辦公司
- Little Tree
- 舉辦公司
- Little Tree
- Operating Company
- Little Tree
- 予約
- ※Web予約なら500円お得です
- Reservation
- * If you reserve online, a 500 yen discount will be taken from the listed price.
- 預約活動
- ※於網路事先預約,享以上牌價減價500日圓優惠
- 預約活動
- ※於網路事先預約,享以上牌價減價500日圓優惠
- Reservation
- * If you reserve online, a 500 yen discount will be taken from the listed price.
- Contact
- 0167(57)2587 (Reception hours: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
- 持ち物
- 防寒着・防寒靴・手袋帽子などの防寒具
- Things to bring
- Winter clothing, winter boots, gloves, hats, and other cold weather gear.
- 攜帶物品
- 防寒衣物、雪靴、手套帽子等防寒用具。
- 攜帶物品
- 防寒衣物、雪靴、手套帽子等防寒用具。
- Things to bring
- Winter clothing, winter boots, gloves, hats, and other cold weather gear.
- 備考
- <キャンセル規定>
ご利用日の二日前 → 無料
ご利用日の前日17:00まで → 50%
ご利用日の前日17:00以降 → 100%
※人数変更含む - Important Note(s)
- < Cancellation Policy >
2 days prior: No charge
Up to 5:00 pm, the day prior: 50%
After that: 100%
(Above policy will be applied to change in number of people.) - 備註
- <取消規定>
※包含參加人數之變更 - 備註
- <取消規定>
※包含參加人數之變更 - Important Note(s)
- < Cancellation Policy >
2 days prior: No charge
Up to 5:00 pm, the day prior: 50%
After that: 100%
(Above policy will be applied to change in number of people.)